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The Milton Wolf Prize in Student Advocacy

Information for Teachers

Below you will find information on the standards that the Milton Wolf Project helps you meet, as well as comments from teachers who have done the Milton Wolf Project and what their students got out of it.


Setting Students Up for Success

  • this website offers a step-by-step process students can follow, including short blog entries for every phase with specific suggestions about how to proceed;

  • we are available to video conference with your students—email Lauren Granite at to set up a time;

  • we are offering "school" grants of $500 for three schools for students to donate to community organizations based on your students' projects. Last year, students used the money to create packets for homeless students in their school, recovery aide from Hurricane Ida, and a campus food pantry.


Two teachers who assign the Milton Wolf Project to their students and/or support students in their school or community will receive a grant to attend our 2024 Centropa Summer Academy, in Berlin (July 2024)


Meeting standards with the Milton Wolf Project

The Milton Wolf Prize project helps teachers meet a range of state and Common Core curriculum standards and requirements in diverse disciplines. We know that not every state uses Common Core standards, and some states have their own standards. The following general categories of standards go across the Core in Language Arts and Social Studies, apply to this project, and will be useful to teachers doing this project in all states. 

Analyzing Textual Evidence
Making Inferences

Summarizing Central Ideas

Decoding Texts

Analyzing Word Choice

Analyzing Point of View

Integrating Varied Source Media

Use of Primary Sources

Analysis of Claims and Evidence

Collaboration and Coordination

Pose Questions

Clarify or Challenge Ideas

Make Relevant Responses

Include Others

Synthesize Diverse Sources

Understanding Sources and Credibility of Sources

Plan Next Steps

Teachers tell us what their students get out of doing  the Milton Wolf Prize

“Thank you for offering this competition during this unprecedented time of our lives. It offered hope and purpose for students to continue to work hard. What you do makes a difference.” W. Huang, Middle School Teacher, Los Angeles


“This project helped my students learn important 21st-century critical thinking, communication, and research skills. I was able to build in time to teach them how to do online research and how to evaluate online sources for credibility. This dovetailed well with my history curriculum as we're always assessing the reliability of primary or secondary sources. This project also helped them learn how to create an engaging presentation and how to use technology like Google Docs/Drive.” S. Billingsley, Middle School Teacher, Baltimore, MD


“The Milton Wolf project made my students think about issues beyond the school walls and think of themselves as change agents in their community.” D. Tarr, Middle School Teacher, Los Angeles, CA


“One strength of the Milton Wolf Project was my students’ consistency and eagerness to create it. Their ability to complete the project through the pandemic is valuable because they remained committed to it despite the new experience of virtual learning, which brought forth many challenges for everyone.” A. Serro, Social Studies High School Teacher, Newark, NJ


“Overall, this project allowed our students to see the world around them in a new light, as well as to understand that they have a voice and power to shed light and foster change concerning issues that directly impact their quality of life.” K. Riddick, High School Teacher, Newark, NJ

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